About Us
I am Kelli Ward, a wife, mom, and a young Breast Cancer Survivor. My journey of becoming a Survivor On Purpose began June 2020. A biopsy was performed to remove a spot I had noticed months before. After the pathology report was sent back to my doctor, it was then confirmed that I was battling Breast Cancer. Months of living with the unknown, and beginning my journey of defeating Breast Cancer I started the Survivor On Purpose LLC clothing brand. The Survivor On Purpose LLC clothing brand is to help inspire, motivate, and encourage all Breast Cancer Survivors to know that their stories are what makes them beautiful, and the need for their stories to be heard. In addition, to the women who are battling Breast Cancer as we speak, you are still beautiful and the battle is already won. Survivor On Purpose LLC was also created for me to tell my testimony as a guide for the next person. As well as understanding that through my journey I was determined to survive and my purpose was to survive for not only myself but for my family and friends as well.